Photo of Sudhir Pratap Yadav

Sudhir Pratap Yadav

Phone: (+91)-637-698-4160

I am on the path of discovering who am I by creating robots. I hypothesize, we (Humans) are what can't be automated. Therefore, my efforts are towards creating intelligent autonomous robots so we can be free of mundane and focus on that which is truly important (and fulfilling).


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur May 2014 - May 2018

B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering

Academic Distinction Award (2016-17)

Technical Skills

Software (Languages, Frameworks and Tools)

Python, Javascript, C++, Matlab, php, Pytorch, Tensorflow, ROS, Gazebo, PyBullet, GPU Server (A100)

Hardware (Robots)

UR5, Kinova, Turtle Bot arm, TAL Brabo Industrial Robot, Quadcopter, Humanoid robot, Quadraped robot, P3DX robot, several hand-made robots

Hardware (Embedded)

Intel realsense camera, Kinect camera, Motioin Capture System, IMU, GPS, Lidar, Dynamixel Motors, Arduino, RaspberryPi, UP square board


Research Engineer September 2021 - January 2023

Vision based Autonomous Systems Lab - TIH iHub Drishti

  • Successfully setup vision-based robotics laboratory by designing the lab space, planning the nec- essary components, conducting thorough market research for appropriate robots and equipment, and coordinating the procurement and installation.
  • ”Learning Vision-based Robotic Manipulation Tasks Sequentially in Offline Reinforcement Learning Settings.” Sudhir Pratap Yadav, Rajendra Nagar, and Suril V. Shah. arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.13450 (2023). Pre-print Code arXiv

Robotics Software Engineering Intern May 2017 - July 2017

TCS Innovation Lab

  • Developed ROS interface for 5-DOF TAL BRABO Industrial robot arm. Robot was hacked to be controlled via Arduino as original controller was closed source. A visual-servoing pipline was developed to demonstrate proper working of interface.
  • Documentation Code

Robotics Research and Development Intern May 2016 - June 2016

Robotics Research Centre - IIIT Hyderabad

  • Developed kinematic model of 26-DOF humanoid. Implemented static balance by calculating ZMP,COM and using force sensors.

Vision based control of UR5 robotic arm using Deep RL July 2017 - May 2018

Robotics Lab IIT Jodhpur — Dr. Suril V. Shah

  • Visual Servoing for Eye-in-Hand Robotic Manipulator using Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG). Aim was to train UR5 arm for visual-servoing a specific object of certain colour. ROS was used to control UR5 robot while RL agent was trained using TORCH(LUA) on simulator GAZEEBO.
  • Documentation Code

Quadruped Navigation using RL Dec 2016 - May 2017

Robotics Lab IIT Jodhpur — Dr. Suril V. Shah

  • Main focus of this project was to make quadruped learn to walk on terrain using TD learning. The Kinematic model of quadruped and RL agent were developed in C++.
  • Documentation Code

Simulating Autonomous Mini-Helicopter July 2016 - Dec 2016

Robotics Lab IIT Jodhpur — Dr. Suril V. Shah

  • Design and development of autonomous mini helicopter to carry 2.6 kg nuclear radiation sensor in Emergency Scenario in desert area. A very accurate simulation of the helicopter was developed in matlab and PID controller was used to control its trajectory.

Quadcopter trajectory tracking June 2016 - July 2016

Robotics Lab IIT Jodhpur — Dr. Suril V. Shah

  • Implemented PID control on quadcopter for making it track different trajectories. State feedback was taken using VICON motion capture system and quadcopter was controlled through ROS.
  • Video

Control of P3DX and Mapping June 2016 - July 2016

Robotics Lab IIT Jodhpur — Dr. Suril V. Shah

  • The P3DX robot was operated using ROS using PID contoller. Kinect was used as depth sensor for building a map of a corridor using the Occupancy Grid mapping algorithm implement in MATLAB.
  • Documentation Code Video

Gait Planning Of Quadruped Jan 2016 - May 2016

Robotics Lab IIT Jodhpur — Dr. Suril V. Shah

  • Developed a kinematic simulation of quadruped in MATLAB for walking using crawl gait. Crawl gait was also implemented on real quadruped robot.
  • Code
Side Fun Projects

Robotics Lab VR Tour 2023

  • Developed a kinematic simulation of quadruped in MATLAB for walking using crawl gait. Crawl gait was also implemented on real quadruped robot.
  • VR Tour Code

IITJ Nerfs 2022

  • Developed a kinematic simulation of quadruped in MATLAB for walking using crawl gait. Crawl gait was also implemented on real quadruped robot.
  • Coming Soon

Playing 2048 game using R 2017

  • Playing 2048 game using RL (2017)) Game created in C++ and python and solved using TD-learning
  • Code

Unblock-me puzzle 2014

  • Vision based detection of game state and automatically solving the puzzle.
  • Code
Contributing back to Community

ROS Workshop 2022

  • Conducted a small workshop on Indtroduction to ROS (Robot Operating System)
  • Content

Mentor on Coursera 2017

  • Given opportunity to be mentor of the course on Robot Estimation and Learning
  • Certificate

Head (2015), Mentor (2016) Robotics Club 2022

  • Mentored students and took few lecture series so to strengthen robotics culture in IITJ

Volunteer Parivartan Group 2014-2017

  • Group was focused on social service. My group was given opportunity to teach school students who could not afford tution.